关于「 582.44」的内容列表

1. Shenzhen second-hand housing single-week transaction volume hit a new high since 2022. 2. In the first quarter, the transaction amount of Guangzhou commercial housing 58.244 billion yuan, a record...

1. The weekly transaction volume of second-hand housing in Shenzhen hit a new high since 2022. 2. The transaction amount of commercial housing in Guangzhou in the first quarter was 58.244 billion yuan, setting a new low in nearly 6 years. The volume of rental housing in 30 quadrillion city "Xiaoyangchun" rose steadily. 4. The interest rate of newly issued personal housing loans was 3.71%, which was lower than the interest rate of corporate loans for the first time. 5. The interest rate of newly ...

2024-04-16 15:31:15
1. 深圳二手房单周交易量再创2022年以来新高。2. 一季度广州商品房成交金额582.44亿元,创...

1. 深圳二手房单周交易量再创2022年以来新高。2. 一季度广州商品房成交金额582.44亿元,创下近6年次新低。3. 京城租房“小阳春”量升价稳。4. 新发个人住房贷款利率为3.71%,首次低于企业贷款利率。5. 3月新发房贷利率低于企业贷,业内人士:个人住房贷款利率未来仍有下调空间和可能。6. 房地产项目“白名单”,稳步推进。7. 郑州住房公积金管理中心拟开展商转公贷款业务。8. 郑州:将启动二手住房“卖旧买新、以旧换新”试点工作。9. 河南三门峡:首套房首次贷款可贷50万元,提高多子女家庭贷款额度。10. 安徽淮北:提高住房公积金贷款额度,多子女家庭最高可贷84万元。11. 成都拟提高多子女家庭首套房公积金贷款额度,最高可贷90万元。12. 买家等待利率下降,美国房屋建筑商信心涨势停滞。13. 世联行:房地产市场短期向好趋势能否持续,仍存较大不确定性。

2024-04-16 15:31:15